5 Best Web Application Examples for Your Business

Web applications are getting popular with time as they empower businesses and offer multiple functionalities for users. Web apps help manage daily tasks, planning events, and keeping records of activities. The best part is that you can access web applications from any computer or mobile device, which increases convenience. This article includes the 5 best web application examples for your business.

What is a Web Application?

A web application uses a web server accessible through a web browser. These web apps are developed using No-code app builders or by using programming languages including Java, ASP.NET, or PHP. These apps provide multiple functionalities, including static and interactive websites, online collaboration tools, and e-commerce applications.

Building web apps is necessary for almost all businesses to facilitate users with online services to employees and customers. If we compare web apps to mobile apps, we see that web applications are faster and more cost-effective.

Advantages of Web Applications

The numerous advantages of web applications are listed below.

1. Accessibility

The first and foremost benefit of web apps is that you can access from anywhere with an internet connection. Unlike installed applications on a computer or any other device, web apps are not limited to a single device; you can operate them from multiple devices.

2. Easy-to-Update

A web app is easy to update compared to installed applications. What you can do as a web application developer is modify the application code on the server, and it will make changes visible to others easily. In addition, you can also update these web apps with an easy process so they become more convenient.

3. Less Costly

Web apps are less costly to develop compared to installed apps. Moreover, you do not need to build a separate application for each device because a single application can work on all devices.

4. Security

Web apps are usually more secure, so you must enter your login details to use these apps. Moreover, these apps are hosted on a secure server that is difficult to hack.

Types of Web Applications

Web apps have several types, including static or dynamic, and may consist of single or multiple pages. They also include various features and design elements. Some of the best web application examples are content management systems, access via portal, animations, and e-commerce.

1. Static Web App

The static web app is in static form and is not interactive. This type of web app showcases data, but it does not update. If you want to change the information, you can download, edit, and re-upload the code.

The best thing about static web apps is that they load quickly. However, the drawback is that updating information may sometimes require more work. This web app is beneficial for portfolio websites that only need to be updated occasionally.

2. Dynamic Web App

Contrary to the static web app, the dynamic web app is easy to update with time, place, and user. It is important to note that dynamic web apps may take longer to load. You can choose a dynamic web app to create any web app with live information, including stock monitoring web apps and social platforms.

3. Single-Page Web App

In addition to the static-dynamic web app divide, web apps can be single-page or multi-page. Single-page apps consist of single-page HTML coding that increases its speed as the web app has to load a single page so it loads faster for users.

Moreover, single-page web apps give you the best user experience on mobile devices. For instance, a web app like Gmail allows you to scroll through new information on the same page within the same interface.

4. Progressive Web App

This type of web app is a blend of web and mobile apps. When you use PWAs as a user, you will get an experience identical to that of a web or mobile app. The best part is that it offers a faster and cheaper app development process. If you want to develop a simple service with one primary purpose, like a music streaming service or online store, PWAs can be more suitable.

5. Portal

The portal web app allows users to sign into a personal account to use various app elements. Through the portal, brands display the most relevant aspects of the web app to their specific user. The best example of a web application portal app is e-commerce web applications that offer a curated shopping experience.

Advantages of Web Applications

There are numerous great examples of successful web apps. Here are 5 best web application examples for your business.

1. Google Docs

One of the most famous collections of web apps is Google Workspace and the Google Office Suite. Google Docs is a comprehensive app that allows for collaborative creation and automatically saves document changes. The best part is that it can work even without an internet connection, and you can access it through any device. 

Google Workspace apps can be used as mobile app downloads. The most recognized features of Google Workspace are accessibility and versatility. In addition, you can work conveniently on Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Gmail.

2. Netflix

Netflix is a web app and one of the most popular video-streaming platforms. You can stream movies and other series on demand without any limitation by paying a specific amount. In addition, you can access Netflix across multiple operating systems and devices.

3. Trello

Trello is another popular web application that offers digital solutions. It has an attractive and simple interface that combines organizations’ tasks and keeps them tracking. In addition, it allows for team collaboration to make project management more effective. However, you can use its collaboration function to work with multiple people on a single dashboard.

4. Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is a custom web application with many products, including Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. It is one of the top web application examples installed on your computer.

It offers easy collaboration so you can work securely on shared files online. On top of that, it has introduced collaborative tools like Teams. It also provides a desktop or mobile app version and a web app.

5. Messenger

Messenger is one of the most popular examples of a web application that allows you to chat with your loved ones in real-time. This web app has simple features and is easy to use. You can use it by connecting it to your Facebook account, and then explore the list of your friends who use the app.

You can use this web app without leaving your web browser and access it across any device, including tablet, computer, or smartphone. Plus, this web app can send messages, videos, and photos to your friends.


In short, web applications are essential to doing digital tasks and growing business. In the above articles, we have discussed the best web application examples for your business, including portals, online stores, and interactive apps. These apps allow you to edit documents, facilitate online communication with friends, and manage projects. Meet our web application developers to start and grow your business.

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