Our Passion is to Deliver Software that Helps You Succeed

Is your business lacking to keep up with swiftly changing technology? Slow hardware, outdated software and ineffective processes can hinder your company achieving your goals leading to low performance. Our expert software developers craft solutions that ensure your business stays ahead in competition.

Software Development

Guaranteed service quality

Quality-first approach

We have a mature ISO 9001-certified quality management system and ensure quality in each project.

ISO 27001-certified

We ensure inclusive protection with our security management system associated with advanced technology.

Full-scale PMO

Full-Scale PMO enables us to implement the most complex projects with efficiency and precision.


We are listed as a leading outsourcing provider featured on the IAOP’s Global Outsourcing.

Different Collaboration Scenarios for Your Software Development

Full software development outsourcing

Our fully managed development teams handle your projects from start to finish and offer unique solutions for your business ensuring each project is delivered at 1.5–2.5x lower costs.

Dedicated teams

Begin with a personalized one-on-one consultation combined with custom-made training programs, weekly progress reviews, and custom plans.

Team augmentation

Quantum Bells support your team with experts including testing engineers, mobile developers, front-end, back-end, and data scientists.

Haven’t Found the Exact Service You Need?

Looking for something very specific that we didn’t mention? Chances are we can build it too. Share your business goals and challenges with us, and we will design a unique solution to precisely meet your needs.

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